Home / Programming / How to wire CDP-2
How to wire CDP-2
How to wire CDP-2
The CDP-2 Snow Sensor Control/Display Panel is used in conjunction with a DS Series Rain/Snow Sensor Controller. The sensor is typically mounted on a roof, near a gutter, or in a similarly difficult location to reach. The CDP-2 provides a method of remotely monitoring and controlling the attached sensor. The user may monitor both the operating mode and the activation state of the sensor. The user may also set the sensor to prohibit automatic operation, to automatically operate, or to manually operate one snow melting cycle, then return to automatic operation. The CDP-2 derives its power from the snow sensor and requires no batteries or AC power. With an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C the CDP-2 is designed for use either indoors or outdoors with proper protection from the elements.
Installation requires an appropriate 5-conductor cable between the snow sensor and the CDP-2. The cable conductors must be tinned, stranded, min 22AWG copper and overall shielding is required. An appropriate selection is Belden® 9941 or equiv. CAT5 or similar is not acceptable. A CS-1 pigtail cable may be included with the CDP-2 but is only needed for the older DS-2B, DS-8, and DS-5. The CDP-2 can be installed as much as 500 feet away from the snow sensor if proper cable is used. Remove all power to the snow sensor, open its cover, and install the 5-conductor cable between the sensor and the CDP-2 enclosure. Ground the shield “drain” wire on one end only and terminate the cable leads following the table below:
The CDP-2 may be installed in a conventional single or multi gang standard electrical enclosure. If installed in a multi gang enclosure next to high voltage equipment the CDP-2 and its interconnecting cable must be isolated from high voltage wires and devices. Consult local electrical codes to determine the isolation methods required. Remove 2 in. (50mm) of outer insulation and shield from the 5-conductor cable. Remove ¼ in. (6mm) of insulation from the individual inner conductors. Following the above table press the clamp button on the terminal block, insert the bare lead into the clamp hole, then release.
The CDP-2 faceplate can be grounded to reduce the chances of damage due to static shock. This can be an important consideration when operating in a very dry environment in the winter. Remove 1 in.
(25mm) of insulation from the green EGND lead and connect this lead to an electrical ground lead using a wire nut or equivalent. Install the CDP-2 into the electrical enclosure using the two screws provided. The screws are compatible with both metallic and non-metallic enclosures. Once installation is complete a “modular” electrical cover plate can be installed. Compatible types include the Leviton® Decora® and Hubbell® Styleline series.
For more, see the full manual.
Why does my CDP-2 Blink when my DS Controller has a Steady Green Light?
Further Questions?
- What is the acceptable deflection for a floor that will be tiled?
- Can you install Ultralight Insulation Boards under a Foil Heater System?
- Can I install a towel warmer bar vertically?
- What is the proper way to install Ultralight Insulation Boards?
- What is the minimum clearance for heating cable(s)?
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- Why does my floor heat unevenly?
- Why does my floor get warmer in some spots?
- What to do when Installing FOIL on a Concrete Slab ?
- Master/Relay (relay reading ER1)
- Installing the FOIL System Under Carpet
- Installation tips for the Electric Floor Heating Mat System
- How to install a floor heating mat around a drain in a shower ?
- How far from the controller can the SIT-6E sensor be placed?
- How far from the controller can the GIT-1 sensor be placed?
- How far from the controller can the CIT-1 sensor be placed?
- How do I turn on my thermostat unit?
- How do I check if the cable is working ?
- Do I need two downspout hanger kits if creating loop in downspout?
- Can my sensor probe be extended?
- Can I install directly onto durock or hardieboard?
- The Factory Joint Rule
- What do I do if I have too much or too little NAMSR cable during installation?
- Warmup Shower Installations
- Installing the SIT-6E
- Installing a Relay for Loads over 15 Amps
- Installation of the floor sensor probe of the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat
- Installation of the CIT-1
- How to Complete an Effective GIT-1 Installation
- How do I wire my Relay-25?
- How do I install the factory joint which is thicker than the heater wire?
- Can Warmup Electric Heating be Installed in a Shower?
- Can I swap my 3iE to a 4iE or Tempo?
- Can I install my Warmup system directly on top of plywood ?
- Can I install a 120V mat on one leg of a double pole breaker?
- Can I Have Another Thermostat as an Acting Relay?
- Can I connect one Warmup heater to another in series?
- Can I connect more than one Warmup heater to a thermostat?
- Can a wooden floating floor be installed directly over the Warmup NADWS system?
- What type of thinset should I use with my Warmup system?
- What do I need to prepare for my electric floor heating project?
- Installing the Sensor Probe
- Do I choose cable or mat electric floor heating systems?
- Is There Enough Power Being Supplied to Operate the System?
- Internet to 4iE: How to Connect the 4iE to the Internet?
- What if my TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat says system is on however the floor is not heating up?
- Was your electric floor heating system installed directly on a concrete slab?
- General installation notes for the Foil Heating System
- Can I cut my floor heating mat if it’s too large?
- Warmup Heating Cable Installed on a Roof – Layout example
- Specialized installation – under Nailed Hardwood
- Running Warmup De-Icing Heating Cable in a Downspout
- How To Secure Roof Clips by Warmup
- Heat Tracing Cable Installation Video
- Foil Floor Heating Installation video
- Floor Probe Installation Instructions
- Floor Heating Loose Wire Installation Video
- Electric Floor Heating Mat Installation Video
- Will the Electric Floor Heating System Work Without the Floor Sensor Probe?
- Why does my heater have a ground wire but the thermostat has no terminal for ground?
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- If I have too much mat or cable, can I cut it?
- Can I upgrade to the 6iE?
- How far away from the wall should floor heat be installed?
- How to terminate self-regulating cable
- Can I cross floor heating cables?
- Does the waterproofing kit go above or below the membrane?
- How is the Warmup Waterproofing Kit installed?
- Do I need a waterproofing kit?
- How many packages of fixing strips do I need?
- Mounting the 4iE Thermostat
- How long after flooring installation should we wait to use the heat?
- Can you install over tile?
- Can carpet pad be glued down?
- Can you trim the floor sensor?
- How do I register a product warranty?
- Does the membrane adhere well to Warmup insulation boards?
- Can I install directly onto durock or hardieboard?
- Does Warmup restrict tile size?
- How is the 4iE wired?
- What can I do if I do not have enough cable?
- Can I mount my thermostat anywhere?
- Is there a video guide for installing a towel warmer?
- How far can you space snow melting cables?
- Is there a video guide for installing the DCM-PRO system?
- What system works best with tile flooring?
- What system works best with laminate flooring?
- How do I test my heating cable(s)?
- Comment tester mon (mes) câble(s) chauffant(s) ?
- What is the difference between a Watch Dog and an Alligator?
- What is the diameter of the DCM-PRO cable?
- How much self leveler goes over the membrane?
- Is it possible to put less leveler over the membrane?
- Can the cable be spaced at 2 pegs?
- Does having a membrane change the cure time?
- Should we roll the membrane?
- Does self-leveling grip on the membrane?
- Which thin set is recommended in Québec?
- What type of thin set can be used with the DCM-PRO system?
- Should I use primer?
- Should I leave space between membrane sheets?
- Mounting a 3iE/4iE thermostat in Canada
- Installation Reminders for the In-slab Cable
- Mounting the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat
- Installation of the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat
- Can I Install a Warmup System Under Carpet Tiles?
- How do I Mount my ETO2 Controller?
- How do I Mount my Tempo Thermostat?
- Tire Tracks Installation: How Far Do I Space the Mats?
- How Long Can You Extend the Lead on the Snowmelt System?
- How do I test my system using a Megger (Mega-Ohmmeter)?
- How Do You Add a Room using the MyHeating App?
- Can I Install the Relay-25 in the Same Electrical Box with my Thermostat?
- Is GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) Required for Bathrooms?
- Can the ETOG Sensor Lead be Extended?
- Can I Install my Floor Heat over an Existing Sheet of Vinyl Floor?
- Conduit Requirements when Installing a Warmup System
- How Do I Mount a Warmup Towel Warmer?
- Do I need to connect my Towel Warmer to a thermostat?
- How do I know which voltage to run to my DCM-PRO cables?
- When should I check my resistance readings for the DCM-PRO cables?
- Can the Mirror Defoggers be installed in the shower?
- Where do I place the sensor probe when installing the DCM-PRO cables?
- Where do I install the DCM-PRO Factory Joint?
- How long is the cold lead on the DCM-PRO cable?
- Where do I run the cold lead and sensor probe during DCM-PRO installation?
- What is the correct DCM-PRO cable spacing?
- How do I test my NAMSR self-regulating cables?
- What is the best way to lay asphalt over a Heated Driveway?
- Mounting the 3iE Energy Monitoring Floor Heating Thermostat
- Mounting and Installation
- DS2 or DS5 Installation Example
- I installed my DS8 and my heating system but it is not melting any snow or ice.
- Installing the GIT-1 sensor
- Installation of Snow Melting Cable under Concrete
- Installation of Snow Melting Mat/Cable under Asphalt
- Basic Installation of Snow Melting Cables & Mats under Asphalt, Concrete or Pavers
- Installation of Snow Melting Mats/Cable under Concrete
- Basic Installation of the Roof Heating Cable
- How many heating systems can be connected to one thermostat?
- Basic Installation and Mounting the WUDG Floor Heating Thermostat
- How important is it to install the floor sensor probe?
- Can I install a wooden floating floor directly on top of the cable ?
- How do you stick the insulation boards to the concrete slab ?
- Do I need to prime my subfloor before installing Ultralight?
- What kind of primer do I use with ultralight?
- What kind of adhesive do I use with Ultralight?
- Can you self-level over ultralight?
- How does Ultralight work?
- What is Ultralight made of?
- Is ultralight waterproof and sound proof?
- Can multiple layers of Ultralight be installed?
- How Big and How Heavy are Ultralight Boards?
- Installing insulation boards over a Wooden Subfloor
- Warmup Insulation Board Installation Video
- Insulation Boards: Preparing for the Installation of Floor Heating
- Installing insulation boards over a Concrete Subfloor
- Make sure that the floor probe that came with the floor heating thermostat was installed and done so properly.
- Basic Installation of the In-slab Floor Heating Cable
- Should I install the WIU with the foil side up or down?
- Installation of WIU over various sub-floor types
- Can the cold tail lead of your Warmup indoor heating system be extended?
- Can the lead of your Warmup heating system be trimmed?
- Can baseboard heaters be controlled by the 4iE?
Miscellaneous questions
- What is the acceptable deflection for a floor that will be tiled?
- SOLVED: Error Code 120: kWh rate entered in the wrong format.
- What are the dimensions of the 6iE custom background image?
- Why is my sensor still activated when it stopped snowing?
- Why is my Floor not Reaching Target Temperature?
- Why does my thermostat trip every time it reaches the same temperature?
- Why does my thermostat read a percentage?
- Why does my floor heat unevenly?
- Why does my floor get warmer in some spots?
- When my screen goes dark, will my floor continue to heat?
- When I push the test monthly button on my thermostat, the screen goes red and tells me to call Warmup. Should I be worried?
- The Factory Joint Rule
- Is the GIT-1 sensor high or low voltage?
- Is an electric floor heating thermostat the same as regular thermostats?
- How long should I program my CommBox to melt snow?
- How can I turn my system on or off completely?
- Does the 3iE have a battery backup?
- Can I use the 4iE to control my Air Conditioning unit (A/C)?
- Can I replace tile immediately when repair is completed?
- Will any third party sensor work with the CommBox or ResiBox?
- What do I do if I have too much or too little NAMSR cable during installation?
- Can one AirSense be used with two CommBoxes?
- Can I use an uncoupling membrane with the NADWS cable ?
- Can I install my Warmup system directly on top of plywood ?
- Can I connect one Warmup heater to another in series?
- Can I connect more than one Warmup heater to a thermostat?
- Can a wooden floating floor be installed directly over the Warmup NADWS system?
- At what temperature does the SIT-6E sensor activate?
- At what temperature does the GIT-1 sensor activate?
- At what temperature does the CIT-1 sensor activate?
- What type of thinset should I use with my Warmup system?
- How Long will my Electric Floor Heating System Take to Heat Up?
- Do I choose cable or mat electric floor heating systems?
- Is There Enough Power Being Supplied to Operate the System?
- How do I upload a custom background to my 4iE?
- Does the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat have GFCI Built In?
- Connecting Your Foil Heating System
- Can I Cut the Electric Floor Heating System Wire if I Have too Much?
- Can I cut my floor heating mat if it’s too large?
- Why does my heater have a ground wire but the thermostat has no terminal for ground?
- What is the EMF level of Warmup cables?
- Should I use a 120V or 240V electric floor heating system?
- Can I upgrade to the 6iE?
- How much accumulation can a snow melting system handle?
- What is the maximum heating temperature for the FOIL system?
- How do you update software on a 4iE thermostat?
- How much energy does self-regulating cable use?
- How to change the location setting on the 4iE?
- Can carpet on top of floor heat be cleaned?
- How long does a snow melting system take to melt snow?
- Can I use area rugs with underfloor heating?
- Do I need to use the WiFi on my smart thermostat?
- What are the differences between the old WSM version (before 2020) and the new?
- Can I reset my password?
- Why is my thermostat screen going dark?
- Do towel warmers require any maintenance?
- What is an uncoupling system?
- How much does underfloor heating cost to operate?
- Are Warmup Insulation Boards Soundproof?
- What does the DCM-PRO Warranty Cover?
- Will the membrane keep it’s decoupling capability over time?
- Will the peel-and-stick glue ever dry?
- How to Unregister your 4iE Thermostat
- How to Edit Currency Type on your 4iE thermostat
- How to switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa) on your 4iE thermostat
- How to Edit Energy Cost on your 4iE thermostat
- Snow on Pavement After De-icing Cycle Complete
- 4iE Features Only Available through the MyWarmup Portal
- Does Warmup Underfloor Heating Comply with Title 24?
- How do I turn off the Backlight on my 4iE Thermostat?
- What Does the Error Message on my Tempo Mean?
- Tire Tracks Installation: How Far Do I Space the Mats?
- How do I test my system using a Megger (Mega-Ohmmeter)?
- Does the 4iE have a Battery Backup?
- Can the ETOG Sensor Lead be Extended?
- Can I Install my Floor Heat over an Existing Sheet of Vinyl Floor?
- Why does my CDP-2 Blink when my DS Controller has a Steady Green Light?
- When should I check my resistance readings for the DCM-PRO cables?
- What is the DCM-PRO cable made of?
- How do I test my NAMSR self-regulating cables?
- Programming the Floor Temperature
- Initial Set up of the 3iE Energy Monitoring Floor Heating Thermostat
- My sensor triggers properly most of the time but seems to miss very wet snow.
- Why does my DS unit not operate the way I expect it to?
- Can my system be programmed to only detect rain?
- It is still snowing outside but the snow is no longer being melted off my roof.
- Quick Set up
- Mounting the TRF-115 Controller
- Basic Installation and Usage Notes
- How long does the thermostat keep my settings once the power has been shut off?
- My Thermostat is on but there’s Delayed Heating/No Heating Up at All
- Why are my floor heating system resistance readings not the same after several years?
- Installation of WIU over various sub-floor types
- How does the open window function on my Smart Thermostat work?
- How do I reset my Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat?
- Is my Terra Thermostat on?
- How to Resolve the ER2 Message on the Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat?
- How do I change the setback temperature on the Terra WiFi Thermostat?
- How do I set or cancel an override on the Terra WiFi Thermostat?
- How to set a Window Detection on the Terra Smart Thermostat?
- How do I power off my Terra thermostat?
- How do I set the time and date on the Terra?
- How do I set the time and date on my thermostat?
- How do I change the colour theme on the Terra WiFi Thermostat?
- How do I navigate the settings menu on the Terra?
- What is the lock icon on my 4iE Smart Thermostat?
- How do I turn WiFi off on my 6iE Smart Thermostat?
- How do I turn Wifi off on my Terra thermostat?
- How do I set the time and date on the 6iE?
- How do I lock and set a PIN on the Terra WiFi Thermostat?
- How to set into Manual Mode on the 6iE Smart Thermostat?
- What is Manual Mode?
- How do I upload a background to my thermostat using the MyHeating app?
- How to set into Manual Mode on the Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat?
- How do I adjust the brightness on the Terra WiFi Thermostat?
- What is the lock icon on my 6iE Smart Thermostat?
- Why can’t I program my thermostat to read air temperature?
- Where are the DIP switches located on the COMMBOX-600?
- What does the LD Dip Switch mean?
- What does the DEL Dip Switch mean?
- What do each of the COMMBOX DIP Switches Mean?
- Is There Enough Power Being Supplied to Operate the System?
- Internet to 4iE: How to Connect the 4iE to the Internet?
- How do I upload a custom background to my 4iE?
- 3iE Making Temporary Temperature Adjustments
- 3iE Basic temperature programming/Setting each day separately
- 3iE Adjusting the time
- TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat Error Message: LO
- TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat Error Message: HI
- Does the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat have GFCI Built In?
- Programming your COMMBOX-600
- Can I have a 4iE and 6iE on my MyHeating account?
- Why wont my 6iE connect to internet?
- Can the MyHeating app have multiple users?
- What are the dimensions of the 4iE custom background image?
- Can the 4iE be connected to Samsung Home?
- How to open the main menu
- How to cancel an override
- What does cancel heating off mean?
- How do I program my thermostat to stay on all night?
- How do I test my thermostats GFCI?
- How do I connect my 4iE to WiFi?
- What is a setback temperature and how do I set it?
- How can I adjust the thermostat temperature temporarily?
- How do I set the time and date on the 4iE?
- How can I tell AM from PM on the 4iE?
- What is a fixed temperature and how to I set or change it?
- How do I find the MAC address of the thermostat?
- How do Warmup thermostats work?
- How do I register a 4iE?
- I can’t add a new WSM in the app
- How do I enter a space in my WiFi Password on the 4iE?
- Can towel warmer temperature be adjusted?
- What are heating limits?
- How to: Initial 4iE Programming
- Can I turn my thermostat above 86°F?
- How do I get into my thermostat if I forgot the password?
- Control of Baseboard Heaters by the 4iE
- Reset or Power Cycle my 4iE?
- How Do I Set the 4iE to Program Itself?
- What Type of WiFi Does the 4iE Use?
- How many Floor Heating Systems can be Connected to one TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat?
- Can I use the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat with Other Floor Heating Systems?
- How to Fix TH115 Error Message: “ER” Floor Heating Thermostat
- What are the Three Setting Dials around the Large Timer on the WSM-63?
- How-to: Programming Your Tempo Thermostat
- What is System Power on my 4iE and how can I edit it?
- How do I Set a Custom Program on my 4iE?
- Where Do I Find my 4iE’s Device Number?
- How Do I Enable to SmartGeo Feature on the MyHeating App?
- How to Set Up a Program using the MyHeating App?
- Does the 4iE have a Battery Backup?
- Why won’t my background picture upload on my 4iE?
- Settings and Programming
- What is the purpose of the LTC Dip Switch?
- SOLVED: Error Code 120: kWh rate entered in the wrong format.
- Can the dual cable tester be used to measure the resistance of the floor sensor?
- What if my thermostat screen is black and won’t turn on?
- Check the Resistance Readings of your Electric Floor Heating System
- What if my thermostat says system is on however the floor is not heating up?
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- Ground Fault Error: What does this Mean if my Thermostat has “Ground Fault Error” on the Display?
- Why Won’t My 4iE Connect to the Internet?
- Why is my Floor Temperature Reading Incorrect?
- Why hasn’t my Controller activated my snowmelt system if its snowing?
- What if the Sensor Probe Reads Higher or Lower than Actual Temperature?
- What if my TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat says system is on however the floor is not heating up?
- What if my TH115 floor heating thermostat is not turning on?
- What does “ER1” on the thermostat display mean?
- What does the ‘!’ mean on my 4iE Screen?
- What Does the HI/LO Error message mean on my COMMBOX?
- What does it mean if my thermostat reads “overload” on this display?
- What does COMMBOX error code “SensErr 2” mean?
- What does COMMBOX error code “SensErr 1” mean?
- Was your electric floor heating system installed directly on a concrete slab?
- Un-Mounting Your Thermostat
- Thermostat Reads Error Message “ER2” on the Display?
- TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat Error Message: LO
- TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat Error Message: HI
- Should I use Self-leveler or Thinset ?
- Output Fault Detected on the Display
- Once a repair has been completed, can I replace the tile right away?
- My Thermostat is on but there’s Delayed Heating/No Heating Up at All
- My Floor has No Heat but There Are No Error Messages?
- Is it Normal if my Thermostat Makes a Clicking Noise?
- If I’ve Registered an Account, Why Does my 4iE Still Have an ‘!’ on the Screen?
- Heater Error: What Does it Mean if my Thermostat Reads “Heater Error” on the Display?
- General installation notes for the Foil Heating System
- Error Message E2 – UCCG floor heating thermostat
- Does the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat have GFCI Built In?
- Connecting Your Foil Heating System
- Connected to the internet and getting the 4iE ! message?
- Can I Cut the Electric Floor Heating System Wire if I Have too Much?
- Can I cut my floor heating mat if it’s too large?
- Are you getting a “Ground Fault” error after a few years?
- “ER1 Out” Thermostat Reading on the Display
- What is a TDR Meter and how do I use it?
- How to repair an electric floor heating cable system
- Floor Probe Installation Instructions
- Check the Resistance Readings of your Electric Floor Heating System
- What if my thermostat screen is black and won’t turn on?
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- I nicked the wire slightly; do I need a repair kit?
- Why wont my 6iE connect to internet?
- Why is my thermostat flashing?
- Can I have a technician come to my home?
- How do I test my thermostats GFCI?
- How does the infrared thermal camera work?
- Why does my thermostat say test monthly?
- What can I do if my old thermostat has stopped working?
- Why is my thermostat display sideways?
- Why wont my thermostat hold information?
- Why is my thermostat stuck on the Warmup screen?
- Is it possible to repair damaged underfloor heating?
- Can I delete a WSM in the application?
- What should I do if I change my WiFi settings at home and my WSM is not online anymore?
- How do I perform a factory reset on the WSM ?
- How do I connect my WSM-252W to WiFi?
- How do I test a floor probe?
- How do I test my heating cable(s)?
- Comment tester mon (mes) câble(s) chauffant(s) ?
- What is the difference between a Watch Dog and an Alligator?
- Sensor not Triggering may be Low Temperature Cuttoff
- ER1 on the Thermostat Meaning
- Reset or Power Cycle my 4iE?
- Why is my 4iE Showing an ‘!’ on the Screen?
- How can I keep my relay from being loud or buzzing?
- TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat Keeps Tripping
- Can I use the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat with Other Floor Heating Systems?
- How to Fix TH115 Error Message: “ER” Floor Heating Thermostat
- How to Check the Resistance Readings of your Electric Floor Heating System
- What Does the Control Fault Error Message Mean?
- What Does the Error Message on my Tempo Mean?
- How do I test my system using a Megger (Mega-Ohmmeter)?
- How do I test my NAMSR self-regulating cables?
- Where do I place the sensor probe when installing in-slab cable?
- What does it mean if my thermostat reads “output fault detected” on the display?
- What is causing my thermostat to keep tripping requiring that I press the reset button?
- What does it mean if my thermostat reads “ER 1 Out” on the display?
- Why does my sensor trigger without precipitation?
- My sensor just sits there. What could be wrong?
- After a deicing cycle is complete my pavement still has some snow on it. Why?
- The sensor relay is closed but the deicing system is not running. Why?
- The yellow light at the bottom of my sensor keeps on blinking. Is something wrong?
- How to work around a faulty ETOG sensor ?
- How do you find out if your ETOG sensor is defective?
- My Floor Heating System Keeps Tripping
- Error Message – E2
- Error Message – E1
- Error Message – E0
- What if my thermostat says system is on however the floor is not heating up?
- Why are my floor heating system resistance readings not the same after several years?
- What if my UCCG floor heating thermostat says system is on however the floor is not heating up?
- My GFCI keeps tripping without pressing the Test Monthly button on the UCCG floor heating thermostat
- Error Message – E1 – UCCG floor heating thermostat
- Error Message – E0 – UCCG floor heating thermostat
- Make sure that the floor probe that came with the floor heating thermostat was installed and done so properly.
- How do I wire a single towel warmer bar?
- Does the SNOPRO-100 require a high-limit sensor?
- What if my thermostat screen is black and won’t turn on?
- How many Mats or Amps can I connect to the CommBox?
- How do I wire my snowmelt system to the ETO2?
- How do I wire my Relay-25?
- Does the ASE snowmelt controller have built in GFCI?
- Can I use the Commbox or Resibox with single phase electric?
- Can I install a 120V mat on one leg of a double pole breaker?
- Can I Have Another Thermostat as an Acting Relay?
- Floor Probe Installation Instructions
- Will the Electric Floor Heating System Work Without the Floor Sensor Probe?
- Why does my heater have a ground wire but the thermostat has no terminal for ground?
- What is the EMF level of Warmup cables?
- What if my thermostat screen is black and won’t turn on?
- What gauge wire should be used for the SIT-6E?
- What gauge wire should be used for the GIT-1?
- What gauge wire should be used for the CIT-1?
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- What are the amperage capabilities of each Box at each voltage?
- Should I use a 120V or 240V electric floor heating system?
- Is the SIT-6E sensor high or low voltage?
- Is the electric floor heating system wired correctly?
- Is the CIT-1 sensor high or low voltage?
- If I have too much mat or cable, can I cut it?
- I nicked the wire slightly; do I need a repair kit?
- Can I upgrade to the 6iE?
- What is the lead length for mirror defoggers?
- Wiring the DS-9 Controller
- How to wire CDP-2
- Can you wire floor heat for 120 or 240 volt?
- Can I use the 4iE with another type of heating?
- How far away from the thermostat can the relay be mounted?
- Can multiple relays be used?
- What is the snow melting cable rating?
- How is the 4iE wired?
- Do Warmup outdoor controls have GFEP protection?
- What gauge wire should be used?
- What is the largest breaker allowed by code to power a snow melting system?
- What is the difference between a Watch Dog and an Alligator?
- Ground Sensor ETOG-56 – Wiring Diagram
- Mounting a 3iE/4iE thermostat in Canada
- Installation Reminders for the In-slab Cable
- How many Floor Heating Systems can be Connected to one TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat?
- How to Wire the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat
- Mounting the TH115 Floor Heating Thermostat
- How to Check the Resistance Readings of your Electric Floor Heating System
- How do I wire my WSM-63 to my DS2 controller?
- How do I wire my WSM-63 to my ETO2 controller?
- How Do I Wire my Tempo Thermostat?
- How Long Can You Extend the Lead on the Snowmelt System?
- Can the ETOG Sensor Lead be Extended?
- How Do I Mount a Warmup Towel Warmer?
- Do I need to connect my Towel Warmer to a thermostat?
- How do I know which voltage to run to my DCM-PRO cables?
- Where do I run the cold lead and sensor probe during DCM-PRO installation?
- Do you have to wire the floor sensor probe that comes with the 3iE thermostat?
- How to wire the 3iE Energy-Monitoring Floor Heating Thermostat
- How To Wire the DS-2 Controller ?
- Wiring the DS-5 Controller
- DS-8 Controller Wiring
- ETOG Wiring
- Additional Wiring of the TRF115-005
- How to wire the WUDG floor heating thermostat
- Basic Installation of the In-slab Floor Heating Cable
- Can baseboard heaters be controlled by the 4iE?
Preparing for your project
- What type of thinset should I use with my Warmup system?
- What do I need to prepare for my electric floor heating project?
- Installing the Sensor Probe
- How Long will my Electric Floor Heating System Take to Heat Up?
- Do I need to provide a transformer to wire in 3-phase?
- Do I choose cable or mat electric floor heating systems?
- Was your electric floor heating system installed directly on a concrete slab?
- Should I use Self-leveler or Thinset ?
- Connecting Your Foil Heating System
- Floor Probe Installation Instructions
- What are the electrical requirements for my Warmup system?
- What is the maximum load of the 6iE?
- What kind of heating is the 6iE compatible with?
- How big is the 6iE?
- How much accumulation can a snow melting system handle?
- What are the dimensions of Warmup towel warmers?
- Can I install floor heat under my tub?
- Do Warmup thermostats zone?
- Does every room with floor heat need its own thermostat?
- Can a gravel driveway be heated?
- What product do I use if I need 110V?
- Is there a 120 volt Relay-25?
- Is there a maximum mirror thickness when using a mirror defogger?
- Do I need more than one waterproofing kit?
- Do I need a waterproofing kit?
- How many packages of fixing strips do I need?
- Do I need insulation?
- Can floor heating be used as a primary heat source?
- Can I heat under furniture?
- Can I use the non-jacketed self-regulating cable outdoors?
- What is the heat output of the non-jacketed cable?
- Can I use non-jacketed cable on my roof?
- What is the power supply for the non-jacketed cable?
- What is the non-jacketed cable best for?
- How is the non-jacketed cable applied to a pipe?
- What are the maximum circuits for Warmup non-jacketed cable?
- Can I download the application manual ?
- Does Warmup work with other thermostats?
- Do Warmup outdoor controls have GFEP protection?
- How thick is the heated floor mat?
- How thick is DCM-PRO?
- How thick is the foil?
- Should I use snow melting mats or snow melting cables?
- Are snow melting cables as effective as snow melting mats?
- Do I need to cover my entire roof with heating cable?
- What system works best with vinyl flooring?
- What system works best with tile flooring?
- What system works best with laminate flooring?
- What is a foil electric floor heating system?
- How much does a Snow Melt System cost to operate?
- How do Floor Heating Systems Work?
- Can you feel FOIL under carpet?
- Can you hear FOIL under carpet?
- What is the diameter of the DCM-PRO cable?
- Calculating Heat Loss: How many BTU’s are in a watt?
- How do I change the probe setting on my Tempo thermostat?
- Does Warmup Underfloor Heating Comply with Title 24?
- How do I Mount my ETO2 Controller?
- Can I Install the Relay-25 in the Same Electrical Box with my Thermostat?
- Is GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) Required for Bathrooms?
- Can I Install my Floor Heat over an Existing Sheet of Vinyl Floor?
- Can you Heat under Glass Mosaic Tiles?
- Conduit Requirements when Installing a Warmup System
- When should I check my resistance readings for the DCM-PRO cables?
- Can the Mirror Defoggers be installed in the shower?
- How long is the cold lead on the DCM-PRO cable?
- Where do I run the cold lead and sensor probe during DCM-PRO installation?
- How do I test my NAMSR self-regulating cables?
- Which snow melting controller is best for me: DS2, DS5, DS8 or ET02?
- Do I Choose Snow Melting Mat or Cable for Driveway & Patio Heating?
- Determining How Much Self-Regulating Cable You Will Need
- Routing inside of downspouts
- Can I use the WUDG with other floor heating systems?
- How do you stick the insulation boards to the concrete slab ?
- Do I need to prime my subfloor before installing Ultralight?
- What kind of primer do I use with ultralight?
- What kind of adhesive do I use with Ultralight?
- Can you self-level over ultralight?
- How does Ultralight work?
- What is Ultralight made of?
- Is ultralight waterproof and sound proof?
- Can multiple layers of Ultralight be installed?
- How Big and How Heavy are Ultralight Boards?