
SNOPRO-100 control

Does the SNOPRO-100 require a high-limit sensor?

The function of the high-limit sensor to monitor the slab temperature and protect the system against thermal runaway. Therefore, “YES”, both versions of the SNOPRO-100 require the high-limit sensors to be wired  to terminals 10 & 11 in the controller, either by the high-limit sensor that is included in both SNOPRO-100 or by putting in a 470k resistor as outlined on page 11 of our manual. The high-limit sensor should be installed regardless of whether the SNOPRO-100 is used at a satellite or a stand-alone to protect against thermal runaway.

Does the SNOPRO-100 require a high-limit sensor? Read More »

How to Resolve the ER2 Message on the Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat?

When the thermostat reads “ER2,” the floor sensor has a short circuit or has a loose connection. Your electrician must secure connections and test the probe using a multimeter set to the lowest possible ohms scale. The resistance reading should be between 7 and 17 ohms.  If a short is found and a backup sensor probe was not installed, you can bypass the error message by setting the thermostat to read the air temperature instead.

How to Resolve the ER2 Message on the Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat? Read More »

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