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What Can a Smart WiFi Thermostat Do that Mine Can’t?

Written by Warmup Inc on January 12th, 2015 | Creating a Smart Home
family in living room with Warmup smart thermostat

If you’ve got an older thermostat, whether programmable or non-programmable, a WiFi home thermostat will revolutionise the way you think about home heating and, perhaps most importantly, save you money.


The Warmup 4iE Smart WiFi Thermostat is packed with expertise in the form of algorithms which learn the unique requirements of your home and what the most efficient way to keep it warm is.

The 4iE thermostat automatically suggests ways for you to save energy, e.g. what temperature you should set for when you are not at home and even when to turn the heating off early before you leave. Only the 4iE using Warmup’s 10+ years of Research and Development can actually tell you how to optimise your temperature settings.

It will also display easy to follow tips on how you could save energy and money by optimising your heating settings. The advice is specific to your home, tailored to your energy consumption and could save you up to £200 on your heating bill.


Unique to the 4iE, and independent from any energy supplier, the 4iE will automatically look for the best prices from energy suppliers and offer suggestions, providing an easy way to switch suppliers. Changing your suppliers could save you up to £210.

According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), an estimated 13.5 million households – all with both gas and electricity supply, could save at least £210 a year when switching energy supplier.


Smart thermostats allow control of your heating settings on the go. As long as you have access to the internet, with the 4iE, you will be able to change heating settings. You can control your heating if you are running late or having an early night, investigate your energy usage and even switch your heating off on your phone, tablet and mobile.

Additionally, the 4iE can display travel and weather updates and if you like personalising your devices, you can upload a personalised photo background too. Learn more about the 4iE Smart WiFi Thermostat and see how it could help you to save money on your heating.


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