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Prevent Frozen Gutters With Self-Regulating Cables

Written by Warmup Inc on March 27th, 2017 | Money & Energy Saving Tips

Winter weather brings with it some rather beautiful imagery. Snow covered landscapes with ice-coated tree branches glistening in the sun make for memorable photos. One image we don’t look forward to seeing, however, are the gutters surrounding our homes glistening with ice dams.

This Winter nuisance occurs when the gutters clog up with ice, causing water runoff from the roof to get trapped by the dam. That water eventually backs up the roof, finds its way under the shingles, and leaks into the house.

The resulting damage to your walls, ceilings, and insulation could wind up costing you thousands of dollars. Here is why you should prevent frozen gutters.


One situation we are aware of took place a couple of winters ago.

A homeowner had to deal with water coming into their home due to ice buildup in the gutters.

As he watched the maintenance workers stand on the roof and ladders, chipping away at the ice, he related the relief at not having to be the one out there in the cold.

Unfortunately, that relief quickly turned to horror as he watched those same men accidentally rip apart the gutters while trying to remove the ice! Has that ever happened to you? Do you wish there was a better, safer way to deal with this problem?


There is a lot of advice published on the web with regards to how to safely remove ice dams once they have formed in your gutters and roof.

Almost all of the experts agree that carefully removing existing snow from the roof with a roof rake or similar is a first step.

From there, variations on a theme are proposed to get rid of the ice dam. Everything from carefully chipping away a channel through the ice dam to allow the water to flow through, to filling a leg of a pair of panty house with a calcium chloride ice melter and laying it on the roof so it crosses the ice dam and overhangs the gutter.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just prevent this issue from occurring in the first place? While a permanent fix would likely involve improving attic insulation and ventilation, there is another option available.

Enter, self-regulating cable installed inside your gutters and along your roofline.


Here at Warmup, we offer a roof and gutter deicing cable that is designed to keep your gutters and downspouts free of ice build-ups. The heating cable routes the melting ice through the gutters and spouts and away from the roof line, preventing costly damage.

Safe to use and easy to install, self-regulating cables are an investment that could wind up saving you money and aggravation this coming winter.

Watch The Concord Carpenter explaining why you should prevent frozen gutters.

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